Saturday, July 25, 2009

...and we danced

Gabriel and Bella got dressed up and said they were going to a dance. Bella is wearing a dress that I wore when I was little(Ryan calls it her pilgrim dress)now it is one of her many play dresses. They also included Jeremiah. Then they danced the night away...

The Dip

They are so cute

Jeremiah got to wear Bella's wedding veil, lucky him. This is what life is all about, moment's like this to capture forever, they crack me up.

Must be doing something right.

The other day we went out to lunch at some restaurant with the kids. Between eating and trying to keep the kids busy coloring and eating(the normal routine when eating out) some old couple were walking out the door and the old man came up to me and said "You ought to be complimented on how well behaved your children are, normally when we go out to eat and their are children around they usually raise hell but your kids behave very well" I of course thanked him, I just couldn't believe it because I think my kids are crazy and I feel sometimes they are out of control and of course don't listen to me. This really made my day that some stranger came up to me and said this. I guess sometimes us mom's don't give ourself credit for all the hard work we do.

Friday, July 17, 2009


I have been trying to get back to running (it's such a great escape) but I am finding it challenging because I have a couple of obstacle's. Jeremiah who has been sleeping through the night since he was 1 1/2 months old is for some reason starting to get up 2-4 times a night so I don't have all my rest. It's getting hot outside and I absolutely hate running on the treadmill so I need to wake up around 5:30-6am to beat the heat and I'm not a morning person. These are of course just excuses, so I will be running tired and dripping with sweat, see ya on the street.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ventura, CA

Ryan had to go to California for business so we all tagged along, we had so much fun! We went to Ventura, CA it was crazy coming from 100 degree weather to 60 degree. They call it Doom June cause it's windy and chilly but it was nice to get out of the heat for awhile. There was a day where it was 70 so that was perfect. We played at a couple of parks on the beach which was awesome! I would love to go to the park all the time if I lived there. One day we rented a car that you peddle like a bike and rode down the coast, which was so beautiful, that was so much fun and good excercise. You get an hour when you rent it which I was thinking only an hour, but that was good enough, I was so tired. One day when we were at the beach it was windy and I was trying to block the wind with the umbrella so Jeremiah could relax(he hated the wind) but it threw sand in his face and I kinda panicked and threw the umbrella to stop the sand, the next thing I know Ryan is running down the beach trying to catch the umbrella because the wind took it, it was the funniest thing ever! I was laughing so hard I was crying.Good times! It was such a short trip but it was fun and relaxing.

Gabriel and Bella playing on the beach


My handsome little guy, he makes me so happy

I thought the camera already took the picture. I was trying to get the perfect picture.

The perfect picture.
I jumped into Ryan's arms without him even knowing I was going to do it.

Beautiful Blondie

Amazing view from this bench

My sweet sweet Angel

The peddle bike

The best swingset ever!

Summer Days.. Having a Blast..

I can't believe the summer is here, Gabriel only has 2 1/2 weeks left until he starts school. The summers are way too short now a days, I remember I didn't start school until late August or early September, I wish it was like that now. We have had a great summer so far keeping busy. The only thing we haven't done yet is go boating but we are planning on it next week.

We took the kids to Jump and Play, they had a blast.

My handsome boys! Bella was passed out so she missed the picture. We had a BBQ at our house for the 4th of July. Unfortunatly we didn't make it to Utah but we had fun. The kids swam all night until it was time to go see the fireworks. I can't believe the year is half over! CRAZY!


Watching the fireworks

This is what happens when your the youngest out of three siblings. Haha!

My sweet little king, he makes me smile.

Falling in love with water! my kids love these spray pads. I was dripping sweat watching them cuz it's so dang hot here in the desert!

Jeremiah loved this, he got sprayed in the face a little and it took his breath away.