Friday, July 17, 2009


I have been trying to get back to running (it's such a great escape) but I am finding it challenging because I have a couple of obstacle's. Jeremiah who has been sleeping through the night since he was 1 1/2 months old is for some reason starting to get up 2-4 times a night so I don't have all my rest. It's getting hot outside and I absolutely hate running on the treadmill so I need to wake up around 5:30-6am to beat the heat and I'm not a morning person. These are of course just excuses, so I will be running tired and dripping with sweat, see ya on the street.

1 comment:

Lili said...

I know what you mean. I don't get enough sleep either-I just go to bed way too late to wake up early. Then I work full time so when I get home running is the last thing I want to think of. Love your shoes-what kind are they?